The Event List Widgets can be found in the Menu when hovering over the Calendar tab. They list the event categories (commonly Family Support Group, Connection Support Group, Other Events) and their corresponding events.

To access, change, or fix the settings for these widgets, start in the WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance and then Menus.

Select the menu to edit: Main Menu (Max Mega Menu Location 1)

Find the Calendar section in the menu, and click the blue Mega Menu button. This will bring up a window, where you can see the layout of the sub-menu.

To edit one of the Event List widgets, click the wrench icon next to the list's title.

Adjust the Event List widget as necessary.  

  • Include a relevant title (ex. Family Support Groups)
  • Only show 2 events. Showing more tends to make the menu look too crowded.
  • Check 'Hide this widget if there are no upcoming events', and 'Generate JSON-LD data'.

There is a bug in the Events Calendar Widget and you will not be able to select the Event Category (Taxonomy Term) here. Save the widget, then the menu. 

From the backend of your website go to Appearance, Widgets, and find the widget on the right hand side under Mega Menu